New themes for spam this week.

From my spamfilter this morning, the weekend's new themes for spam are:
- safe spray-on tan
- people trying to give me watches as a gift
- lots of people trying to sell fake hoodia supplements
And one person who apparently is so desperate to get hold of me that she's sent 18 emails from 18 different addresses with 18 different phone numbers. Gosh. It must be important.

Also this weekend I saw the latest drug-company-fabricated medical condition. RLS - Restless Leg Syndrome. I kid you not. Some company is trying to make us believe that the reason we don't sleep at night is because our legs wander around without command. Apparently this is a recognised medical condition too. In fact it's such a recognised medical condition that the first fifty hits on google are all either direct or indirect marketing for Neurosil - this new wonder drug which will cure this invented condition. It is such a massive medical problem that apparently none of the actual medical websites have managed to classify it yet. After all, what other reason could there be for there being no mention of it anywhere other than on sites trying to sell the drug?


hemlock said…
Spam sucks. One day I was so frustrated that I actually wrote back to them.

Just got someone all pissed off. It was kinda fun!

I don't make a habit of it though.

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