Doin' the whole Larry, Mo and Curly routine

I spent some time last night getting to grips with how I'm going to mount the phone and network distribution centre. Having marked some holes to mount the screws for the network switch, I set to it with a small drill bit to punch through the metal in the cabinet. As the drill flexed and hopped off the metal, heading towards my finger, I reckoned it was going to hurt, and as I inevitably drilled into the knuckle on my left forefinger it did. The pain made me yank the drill away (obviously) stand up and step back. As I stood up, I mashed my head on the top of the door frame to the cabinet which added to the pain, and as I stepped back, I distinctly remember thinking "did I move that piece of wood with the nail in it?". Of course I hadn't - that would have been too efficient, and as I stepped on to it, the nail sunk nicely into the middle of my left foot.
So one drilled knuckle, a punctured foot and sore head later later, I mounted the network switch only to find we didn't have any power to that part of the house yet. Typical.


Anonymous said…
reminds me of a long yarn involving a workman, a tall aerial mast, and a large collection of tools.

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