I really, really, really hate colds.

I feel like a complete wuss. I was off for two days last weekend with that stupid cold and now, despite my best efforts to think straight and stay awake, it looks like I'm going to be off again. I'm sitting ay my desk, coughing, barely able to stay awake. It's not like I'm even "properly" sick - I just feel like shit. I don't understand how so many people can take so much time off "sick" just at the drop of a hat.


Anonymous said…
i treat my self with natural vitamins... like - i drink pure lemon juice twice a day, 2-3 lemons for one dose. sometimes i add paracetamol if i have high temeperature. btw these are main composition for many of cold treatmen products..
Anonymous said…
Hey Chris - I know what you're saying... it's very noble trying to tough it out by going to work when you're not well.

Consider this: Your company doesn't give you sick days because they like you. You get them because it's better for the company. That's the bottom line.

They don't want you passing on infections to other members of staff. They'd prefer you stay home and keep it to yourself rather than come to work and infect 50 other people.

It just so happens that you're likely to recover more quickly if you relax and take it easy.

If you're sick, stay at home. You're honestly doing people a favor.

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