Looks like the price of Seagate hard drives is going up then.
Well done Sara Cho and Michael Lazar - you complete and utter wankers. Because of these two incompetent's inability to read a label, they've won a huge lawsuit against Seagate because they claim they were robbed of disk capacity. They claim they thought that a 1Gb hard drive would have 1,073,741,824 bytes of available space on it, not 1 million a different of 7 percent. This comes down to English language vs. computerspeak. Until today, everyone in computers understood that 1 gig did not mean 1.07 million bytes - it meant a million. So when you bought a hard drive advertising 100Gb of space, you actually only get 93Gb of usable space. Now, because of these two twats, it has to be spelled out in words of one syllable or less, and Seagate have to cough up a class action lawsuit refunding 5% of the cost of the 6 million drives they've sold in the last 6 years. I qualify, because it's a class action suite and because I've bought 3 Seagate drives in that time. Unlike Ms...