The Pentagon today announced it was "making plans" for when (not if?) talks with N.Korea fall through. I really didn't think B*sh was that insane. I mean we know he's a 100% Grade A1 paranoid lunatic, but this level of insanity normally results in being sent to a mental asylum. Obviously Iraq wasn't enough of a lesson. Now he's going to start fearmongering and lying to America to get everyone to believe that action against N.Koreas is "inevitable." Unfortunately for - well - everyone on the face of the planet - this is likely to be the last mistake B*sh (or anyone for that matter) ever makes. On a scale of "Good Ideas", where 10 is curing cancer, and 1 is starting World War 3, B*sh's "making plans" against N.Korea is about negative 1 billion. I can see it. You can see it. 50% of Americans can see it. Almost all of the rest of the world can see it. Yet for some reason, B*sh and his warmongers, along with the other 50% of th...