Questar Gas are raping us blind
$135.48 ! That's my gas bill this month. Same month last year, when the price of a barrel of oil was nearly identical? $87.51. It even shows it on my bill in decatherms per day - last year 0.33, this year 0.34 But the cost per day has shot up from $2.92 to $4.67 They're profiteering, obviously. We've got a frickin oil refinery on our doorstep - if I stood on the roof of my house I could see the flames from the refinery stacks. Yet we have petrol over $2 a gallon and natural gas at record highs. If the price of oil is the same, then it can only be one thing : corporate greed, as promoted and backed by B*sh. This is all because Jon Huntsman fired the consumer protection guy - Roger Ball - for fighting too hard for the consumer. Result? Nearly double the price for utilities thanks to a closed-door meeting with the division of "consumer protection" and Questar.