
Showing posts from January 10, 2010

Make cinemas less like air travel, and I'll go back.

Everyone I speak to on a daily basis has been raving about Avatar. In some cases they've seen it two or three times. And they all tell me I MUST go and see it. Well I'd like to, but there's a reason we spent money putting a decent home theatre setup in. Cinemas are as appealing to me as air travel right now. We stopped going to the cinema years ago - not because we were pirating movies or any of the other evils the MPAA would have you believe - but but because of the sheer unpleasantness of the cinema experience. Sure the picture and sound were great, but the incessant texting, cellphone calls and talking just made it unbearable. On top of that, here in Utah, the cinemas allow anyone in to see NC17, 18 and R-rated movies as long as they're with an adult. So we'd be beset by families with 4 or 5 young kids and babies in baskets crying, screaming, shouting and running around. Didn't matter what time of the day we went or which cinema we went to. So I'm sure A...

The republicans are crazy.

It's official - the Republicans and their supporters are just crazy. On Fox News (duh), CNN and a couple of other pulp fiction outlets, Republican pundits have latched on to an interesting theme : Obama has suffered 4 terrorist attacks on America or American interests since he took office. In the same sentence, all these people point out that compared to Bush's zero-attack record, this shows how Bush was clearly a better president. What The Fuck? Ok lets look at the facts here. The four attacks that the Republicans are using as the basis for this argument are - well - there's actually only two: 2009 - the crotchbomber (who was thwarted by passenger intervention) 2009 - the Fort Hood shooting By comparison, Bush's record: 2001 - 9/11 - the grand daddy of them all 2001 - the anthrax mailings 2001 - the shoebomber (who was thwarted by passenger intervention) 2002 - the Karachi US embassy bombing - 12 people dead 2002 - the beltway sniper 2003 - the Riyadh suicide bomber a...