The situation this morning:
CNN claim Bush 254, Kerry 252.
BBC claim Bush 254, Kerry 252.
CBC Canada claim Bush 254, Kerry 252.
ABC News claim Bush 254, Kerry 242.
CBS News claim Bush 254, Kerry 242.
FauxNews claim Bush 269, Kerry 242.
MSNBC claim Bush 269, Kerry 238.
FauxNews and MSNBC have the weirdest figures because they claim Ohio has gone to Bush, when in fact Ohio hasn't been counted yet. But then FauxNews are the ones who bollocksed it all up for everyone last time.
Bush's chief of staff Andrew Card has claimed victory this morning. After all, there's no point in waiting for actual votes to be counted. That would be a democracy.
Essentially it's come down to Ohio who now have 11 days to count their provisional ballots. Until that's done, the race is still wide open. Because if Kerry gets Ohio, he's won.
Meanwhile, the nation has proven itself to be a nation of homophobes with all 11 states with same-sex marriage bans on the cards ha...