More mine trouble.
I wasn't going to comment on the Crandall Canyon mine collapse over near Huntington. But the time has come to have my 2¢ worth. One : the CEO is a liar and a crook. You only need to listen to him spouting off on TV to know that. He still blames the original collapse on an earthquake, despite geologists and seismic experts from all over America being able to prove otherwise. He still claims they weren't retreat mining, which it now turns out they were. Two: I've considered that they've been looking for corpses pretty much since day 1. It's horrible to say, but I think it's the truth. I can't imagine what it's like for the families, and I hope by now they've come to terms with the fact that it's more likely they've lost their loved ones. Three: I've also said that they've been endangering the rescue crews with shoddy, high-speed tunneling and no roof supports, trying to find the buried miners. Well last night, the bleeding obvious happ...