
Showing posts from April 19, 2009

C'est le weekend!

Phew! The neck is much better now. And after an odd episode with my right knee this week (stop laughing, Dariush) I'm mostly OK again now. Hectic, nasty, busy week but at least I'm not doing the trade show circuit next week. First time I've managed to skip this particular show in a while. Not quite sure how it happened but oh well. So I'm looking forward to a weekend of Call Of Duty 4, interspersed with some lawn work, chocolate shopping, a movie night with the wife and more junk food than you can imagine.

Why do I need a doctor exactly?

I twisted my neck yesterday and this morning it's reduced me to walking around like a geriatric. Paula went out to get me a foam neck support and was told by the pharmacists that I'd have to go to a doctor to get one. Not sure either of us understand that - I can buy one for $6 off amazon, but in-person I need to go to a doc because RiteAid and WalGreens aren't allowed to sell them? WTF?