Legal downloadable music stores still not getting it.
So we're watching "I Love the 90s part deux" on VH1 at the moment, and I decided it would be neat to get hold of a copy of 2 Live Crew's "Me So Horny" after it was featured a couple of nights ago.
First stop, the VH-1 website. They only have the whole album for $14. No thanks. Next stop iTunes. They don't have it at all. Next stop Napster. They have it but you need to put their spyware on your PC and cough up $9.95 to subscribe before they'll let you grab the tune for 99¢
Moving on to - littered with pops and adverts (thank God for Adblock and Firefox!). Eventually they link to RealPlayer. Follow the link and again you need their proprietary piece of spyware installed, but now it's $14.95 before you can download the track for $1.50. - nice site but it forces your browser full-screen and forcibly tries to install its own software without you knowing. Again thank God for Firefox. If I'd been using InternetExplorer, no do...