
Showing posts from April 18, 2010


In a bizarre turn of events, seats opened up on the American Airlines flights to Manchester this weekend. A quick mouse-o later and my vacation is back on again. Until the volcano goes off again and then my vacation will no doubt be off again. Essentially, if the blog goes quiet for two weeks, it means I went away :-)


FUCK IT . Having not had a 'proper' vacation for a couple of years now, I was sort of looking forward to - you know - some time off. I had a narrowboat holiday planned with my dad and one his friends to do the Four Counties Ring in England. I'd sorted out time off work and booked the flights back in December last year. Everyone rearranged their schedules to accommodate my trip and I was ready to go. Until last week when Eyjafjallajofullofshitbaggoddamnfuckbastardwank volcano blew its top and they closed all the airspace in Europe. So now - no holiday for me. Fucking wonderful.