
Showing posts from May 3, 2009

Chilly on top

We went for our first "proper" motorcycle ride this morning, up and over Wolf Creek. Mid-may and there's still plenty of snow about. T'was a bit chilly going over the top but then it is 10,000ft....

The first 'true' 787 rolls out of the paint shop.

ie. not the fake one they used at the press day over a year ago. Oooooooh. Shiny..... Dreamliner Rollout Full from Liz Matzelle on Vimeo .

Hybrid makes me happy

For the longest time, I've had a couple of DJ sets kicking around in my collection, by a group called Hybrid. I love their sound - breakbeat vs. dance. I don't know why but this weekend I hit the right search terms in google and turned up this : where, amongst a great many other DJ sets, they have tons (and I mean tons) of Hybrid sets. Bandwidth up. Disk free space down. I'm currently bopping to their 2001 ID&T radio set.