A dark day
I know nobody reads this any more but I need to write this down somewhere - more for catharsis then anything else. Obviously today, democracy fell to ultra right-wing fascism in America. Harris did an amazing job but she just couldn't make voters see sense. Everyone was angry about high prices and inflation. Yet prices have backed off, inflation is back down to what the 'normal' baseline is, unemployment is down, and wages are up. The economy is actually doing crazy well now - yet people just believed the constant stream of lies they were fed by Trump instead of actually looking in their own wallets So here we are facing another 4 years (to eternity?) of Trumpism. He wants to disband NOAA because he thinks climate change is a hoax. It seems that reporting on things like hurricanes is no longer important to America. Good luck, Florida and the Gulf coast - you'll now have no warnings before all your property is destroyed. And because Trump considers everything to be a pop...