Human-caused global warming is here -- visible in the air, water and melting ice -- and is destined to get much worse in the future, an authoritative global scientific report will warn next week. "The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table as we speak," said top U.S. climate scientist Jerry Mahlman, who reviewed all 1,600 pages of the first segment of a giant four-part report. "The evidence ... is compelling." I still have a problem with all the "evidence" that we're being shown to support these theories. For example, that temperature has risen 1.2°F between 1901 and 2005. The climatologist freely admit that they only have reliable climate data going back 60 to 65 years which would put the earliest reliable measurement sometime around 1940. Any time before that and you're looking at woolly, unreliable data. The temperature change between 1940-ish and now is about 0.4°F positive. So it seems the majority of this shift happened in the 40 year...