
Showing posts from September 21, 2008

When market research goes pop.

Proof if ever it were needed that junkmailers don't bother checking anything before sending out unsolicited mail. The chances of me ever owning, riding, or being seen on a Hardly Ableson are less than zero, yet in the mail today was an offer to get an HD credit card with the opportunity to win a bike. In the bin with that then.

Power to the iPod

Colour me impressed. I just dug out my iPod shuffle to top it up for an upcoming road trip, and it still had a charge. A lot of charge. Impressive given it was last put on its base back in February, mid ski-season.


Goodbye Washington Mutual, hello JPMorgan Chase. Looks like WaMu suffered the same problem that Northern Rock did in England. All the sheeple started pulling their savings out last week. Last night, after $17bn walked off in 4 days, WaMu finally collapsed and was soaked up by JPMorgan Chase. This one does affect us - I guess sooner or later, if you have money in a bank or a loan anywhere, this wholesale banking collapse will affect you. But I'm sure somewhere, CEOs are making billions in bonuses for being so clever.

Replacement bike

119 days after I took my motorbike in for a dodgy clutch, I picked up the replacement bike tonight. Same bike, newer model year, different colour. It's a long and winding saga and if you have half an hour to spare, it's all documented here: Triumph Tiger 1050 clutch problem .

Mole no more.

I've been de-moled :0 I went to the medical centre this morning to have the two moles on the left side of my face removed. I was sick and tired of continuously shaving the top off them in the mornings. So now I have to black craters where they used to be. Hopefully once they heal, I'll be able to shave properly for the first time in my life. It'll make a difference.