Corporate bollocks.
At least when I worked for E&S we were unencumbered by layers of corporate overhead. Not so any more. During open enrollment last year, I elected to leave all my health coverage as it was. Come January, for some reason I was terminated from Blue Cross / Blue Shield and enrolled in SelectHealth - a local outfit. I complained to HR and to corporate who told me it couldn't possibly be an error on their end, and that it must have been something I did. They then went on to tell me I couldn't change back to BC/BS until november this year. Cut to today when a termination letter arrives from SelectHealth, backdated to January 1st. It shows the duration of coverage of zero days with an enrollment and termination date of January 1st. So I've paid two sets of health insurance premiums in my pay packet now, and it turns out I wasn't covered by any insurance at all. I've not been re-enrolled in BC/BS so because of some corporate cock up, I have no health insurance at all ri...