In 1998 and 1999, there were 22 deaths of motorcyclists without helmets in Florida. In 2001, Jeb Bush repealled the mandatory helmet law for motorcyclists in Florida. (proving he's a total dickhead like his brother George W) In 2004, there were 250 deaths of motorcyclists without helmets in Florida. So the accident rate for deaths without helmets has gone up 1036% whilst the number of new registrations has gone up by 87%. Apparently wearing a helmet infringes on some American's faulty assumption that they have the right to do whatever they want. Frankly, if their brains aren't clever enough to protect the skull they reside in, then we should all be grateful for Darwinism removing these retards from the gene pool. We're better off without people like that. It's like this Roethlisberger guy last week - top notch American footballer who wears a helmet to play a game, but doesn't wear a helmet to ride a motorbike. I mean seriously - his brain must be malfunctioning...