When travelling back to the US last week, the TSA snapped the locks off my suitcase because they wanted to look inside. From their website : If your bag is unlocked, then TSA will simply open the bag and screen the bag. However, if the bag is locked and TSA needs to open your bag, then locks may have to be broken. You may keep your bag locked if you choose, but TSA is not liable for damage caused to locked bags that must be opened for security purposes.
Now wait just a minute. Surely they should check your bags with you present? I know the types of people that get hired for these security firms, and to say they can't be trusted is an understatement. The TSA want us to travel with our suitcases unlocked so the thieving bastards can rummage around inside at their own choosing. This, if you ask me, is pushing the security vs. privacy thing just too far.


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