Dang that was hectic. On wednesday afternoon at about 16:00, my boss "persuaded" me to go to Memphis to support a customer there. Thursday morning, up at the crack of dawn for the flights (via Denver). Arrived in Memphis about 15:00 then pulled off a 10 hour shift in the Fedex facility. Bed. Hotel right next to runway, so woken up again at 4:00. Alarm went off at 6:00, back to Fedex for another 10 hour stint (no lunch). Celebratory meal at the Rendevous rib-house. Back to the hotel. Alarm off at 6:00 this morning, hopped the planes back home. Lunch, spent the afternoon patching up the roof and putting up heat tape on the eaves. Finished, went into the office. Typed up site report, filed expenses, deposited changed files on the FTP server. Washed car.
I'm bloody knackered!
I'm bloody knackered!