Oh well. It had to happen I suppose. Google is going public tomorrow morning, floating on the stock market. It's a shame. It was the world's best search engine. And tomorrow, it's going to become a management-heavy, run-for-the-investors company. What does that mean to us 'net junkies? Popups, advertising, slow service, reduced content and the slow, horrible demise of Google.
I guess those at the top got greedy. It's a pity they don't remember what happened to altavista.com - once the world's top search engine. Look at it now - it doesn't even rank. It's so full of advertising, you can't find what you want in amongst the mess. And most of its searches turn up wrong results.
By this time next year, Google will be a dim and faded memory, awash with corporate politics, fat-cat CEOs and tiers of VPs all skimming off the top. The programmers will all have been royally shafted, and will leave. And Google will become www.microsoftgoogle.com


R.I.P Google. You served us well.


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