El Busho's numbers are down (:-)) His approval rating is at an all-time low and fewer than half of Americans now believe invading Iraq was the right thing to do, according to a CBS/New York Times poll.
If the November election was held today, 46% would vote for Democrat John Kerry and 44% percent would vote for Bush.
His overall approval rating (46%), his rating on handling Iraq (41%) and his rating on handling foreign policy (40%) are at the lowest points ever in this administration. Sweet! Kerry has the edge now. Not sure what he'd be like as a president, but anyone would be better for the planet as a whole than El Busho.
If the November election was held today, 46% would vote for Democrat John Kerry and 44% percent would vote for Bush.
- 32% (the lowest number ever) say Iraq was a threat that required immediate military action a year ago.
- 47% now say the United States did the right thing taking military action in Iraq, the lowest support recorded.
- 56% percent thought Bush was "mostly telling the truth but still hiding something" when he spoke to them about Iraq.
- 61% now believed the administration did not try hard enough to reach a diplomatic solution before going to war in Iraq -- a complete reversal of the public's belief last year during the war.
- 39% approve his handling of the economy.
His overall approval rating (46%), his rating on handling Iraq (41%) and his rating on handling foreign policy (40%) are at the lowest points ever in this administration. Sweet! Kerry has the edge now. Not sure what he'd be like as a president, but anyone would be better for the planet as a whole than El Busho.