From a story in New Zealand today:
The use of sex appeal in a television commercial which used cleavage to sell underarm deodorant was exploitative and degrading, the Advertising Standards Board has said.
The board was upholding a complaint about an advertisement for Cool Charm deodorant, which depicted a female dental nurse wearing a revealing uniform, applying the product while listening to the dentist repeatedly asking an adolescent boy to "open wider".
In the next scene the nurse walked into the surgery and leaned over the patient, revealing her cleavage, causing the boy to open his mouth wider.
The complaint to the board said the advertisement was blatant exploitation of a woman's body to sell a product. It also undermined the profession of dental nursing.
The board agreed, saying it was not only demeaning to the profession but to involve a pubescent boy was totally unacceptable. The advertisement was short on humour and "exploitative of and degrading to" dental nurses.
Well that's just retarded. I've not seen the advert and to me it doesn't sound sexually exploitive and degrading. It sounds bloody funny is what it sounds. Seems to me that someone had nothing better to complain about, and worse, some stuffed shirts with no sense of humour actually agreed with them. Jeebus - I'd hate to show some of the Dutch or French TV commercials to the New Zealanders what with their prolific use of stunningly attractive, half-naked men and women, and liberal smatterings of abusive language.
The use of sex appeal in a television commercial which used cleavage to sell underarm deodorant was exploitative and degrading, the Advertising Standards Board has said.
The board was upholding a complaint about an advertisement for Cool Charm deodorant, which depicted a female dental nurse wearing a revealing uniform, applying the product while listening to the dentist repeatedly asking an adolescent boy to "open wider".
In the next scene the nurse walked into the surgery and leaned over the patient, revealing her cleavage, causing the boy to open his mouth wider.
The complaint to the board said the advertisement was blatant exploitation of a woman's body to sell a product. It also undermined the profession of dental nursing.
The board agreed, saying it was not only demeaning to the profession but to involve a pubescent boy was totally unacceptable. The advertisement was short on humour and "exploitative of and degrading to" dental nurses.
Well that's just retarded. I've not seen the advert and to me it doesn't sound sexually exploitive and degrading. It sounds bloody funny is what it sounds. Seems to me that someone had nothing better to complain about, and worse, some stuffed shirts with no sense of humour actually agreed with them. Jeebus - I'd hate to show some of the Dutch or French TV commercials to the New Zealanders what with their prolific use of stunningly attractive, half-naked men and women, and liberal smatterings of abusive language.