Iraq, Iran - heck it's only one letter different.

Sheesh! It just goes on and on doesn't it?
El Busho today accused Iran of harboring suspected al Qaeda members and developing nuclear weapons.
Whilst CIA chief John McLaughlin said:
"We have no evidence that there is some sort of official connection between Iran and 9/11."

El Busho turned around and said:
"As to direct connections to September 11, we're digging into the facts to determine if there was one.".

Much in the style that El Busho wanted to invade Iraq to settle a family spat, despite there being no need to, it seems he's going to go against his advisors again and march into Iran now. Isn't there supposed to be a senate, or house, or constitutional thing that prevents this sort of bezerking in the White House?
Lets not also forget that CNN continue to try to associate Iran with Iraq by falsely calling Iranians Iranis......


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