Shock, horror.
In a "shock" report out today, it turns out that nearly 1 in 4 businesses uses and/or relies on pirated software. There's a huge scientific analysis on the subject but they've missed the simple explanation : if it wasn't so freakin' expensive, then perhaps more people would buy it. Or perhaps buying Photoshop would entitle you to two upgrades, rather than the current system of "buy one for $400, then buy the next one in 8 months time for another $400". 3DS Max is a prime culprit of this methodology. I bought 3DSMax4 and it cost me something like $4000. 6 months later, Max5 came out and I wasn't entitled to an upgrade. Then Max6, and now Max7. Each one costing more than the last, none of them free to existing customers. Way to run a business guys. The irony would be if people like Adobe and 3DS were using pirated software to make their software :-)