President Bush declared victory in the 2004 presidential, telling supporters: "I'm humbled by the trust and the confidence of my fellow citizens. With that trust comes a duty to serve all Americans. And I will do my best to fulfill that duty every day as your president."
Well - I suppose if that's true, it's better 4 years late than never.
I'm having trouble reconciling my feelings today. Whilst living here is clearly better than the anus of Europe that is England, and whilst I love the job, the state, the surroundings, the American people, our house and our friends, I guess I'm going to just have to live with another 4 years of Bush at the top.
As creepy as it sounds, it's better than that spineless fool Blair. Whilst I disagree 100% with almost everything Bush does, at least he has conviction. He believes in what he says, no matter what anyone else thinks. Blair just says "George - what do I think?"
Well - I suppose if that's true, it's better 4 years late than never.
I'm having trouble reconciling my feelings today. Whilst living here is clearly better than the anus of Europe that is England, and whilst I love the job, the state, the surroundings, the American people, our house and our friends, I guess I'm going to just have to live with another 4 years of Bush at the top.
As creepy as it sounds, it's better than that spineless fool Blair. Whilst I disagree 100% with almost everything Bush does, at least he has conviction. He believes in what he says, no matter what anyone else thinks. Blair just says "George - what do I think?"