B*sh finally admits he's a liar.

My, my, so the US failed to capture Bin Laden and failed to find Weaponsofmassdistruction. And B*sh has gone public and told us he's stopping the search for more WMD because there likely aren't any. Oddly enough, this story has received almost no publicity today. It will be interesting to see how much publicity he gets when the massive pullout comes next month.

I seem to remember Osama Bin Laden, and WMD were once really important. Remember? Worth fighting a war over kind of important? But now not really that important at all. I guess that means B*sh can be impeached now does it? After all, he's admitted there were no WMD in Iraq. Which means he's admitted the core reason for going to war was a lie. Let's not forget that his lie has killed 1300+ of his countrymen and maimed over 100,000 others, not to mention the intolerable loss of life in Iraq itself.
If the "President" considers a middle-eastern war so insignificant that he feels comfortable lying about it, he should be impeached and brought to justice as a war criminal.

It is time now that the US and Britain apologize publicly to the world and compensate for the human and material loss to Iraq. The second thing they should do is pull the military out of Iraq and put the Army Corps of Engineers to work rebuilding the infrastructure. Let's not forget now that most of the country is still without water, power and phones, despite what the "President" tells us.

The US claims to be the leader of the moral high ground, they should now accept their faults as well and acknowledge that they were wrong. Impeaching Bush would be a great start. He took us all to war on a blatant lie.

The tally today - the cost of Bush's lie to America alone: 1361 dead, 10371 maimed and injured. Financial cost to this date : $149,889,672,000 You red-state voters think about that for a moment.


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