Tubbers and the cat flap

It seems Tubbers, the neighbour's other cat, has finally discovered our cat flap. We found him in the kitchen this morning staring down Dory. Paula put him out and locked the cat flap to be "out-only" so he couldn't get in and he kept scratching and scratching at it. So she got out the vacuum cleaner and poked the hose out of the cat flap and turned it on. Tubbers took off, and unfortunately, Dory did too - she shot under the bed and wouldn't come out. Eventually she came around and is now frolicking in the garden. Tubbers is nowhere to be seen. Let's hope it stays that way.
It's not that we don't like him - we like both the cats, but Dory is ours now and Tubbers has to learn that our house is Dory's territory, not his.


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