Ho hum.

Back to work after a day off on friday. I needed a day off after the layoffs. They got rid of 56 people, mostly engineers.
It was carnage and those of us who are left are just in despair now. It's not as if we weren't over-worked before - now everyone is doing triple-duty. It's galling to see this happen yet no management got touched.
I'll try to keep up the blog entries again. The last week was so bad at work that I really had very little incentive or motivation to do anything I normally do. I lost a lot of colleagues and friends in this layoff.
On the bright side, though, I can now make a point in my resume of having survived 8 layoffs over three companies in 15 years. I guess I must be doing something right.

On friday we went to the Home & Garden show at Southtowne. It was a lot of fun. We got a burnished steel gecko for the front of the house, a bunch of hose connecters, and I spent more money than anyone should ever spend on a ladder. I kept seeing this Little Giant Ladder System advertised on TV, but they had a stand at the home show. I'd thought it was a good idea, but I'm always put off by infomercials. Anyway, we had a chance to play with this thing at the show and for the price, I reckon it's actually worth it. It's a 4-piece ladder. The middle A-frame has a locking hinge, and the two sliding leg parts have locking clamps. It's anything from a 6ft A-frame ladder to a 17-ft straight ladder, with a ton of options in between. They weren't selling them direct at the show, but we placed an order and it should be Fedex'd to us in the next 4 weeks or so.
On saturday I went to a helmet seminar at Motorcycle R&R. The guy seemed a little brash to me and was clearly marketing Arai helmets. He was pushing a lot of their plus points without paying a lot of regard to other manufacturers. Some sensible questions came out afterwards but he didn't really have great answers for them.
On saturday night we had Paula's 40th. It was a huge hit. We had prepared a lot of snack-type food - cocktail sausages, cheese and onions, salsa, salad bits etc. Downstairs I re-arranged the family room and set up both Dance Dance Revolution mats. Everyone seemed to have a fun time playing each other at the game. Paula got a couple of cakes, a lot of gifts and a fab pair of granny panties from Mike & Lynne. (with contribution from Jade of course).
The party totally blew out Dory's routine and it took us ages to find her afterwards. Most of the day sunday she was a bit finnicky about coming indoors, but we got her back into her routine last night. She settled in the computer chair about 22:30 and we put her in her basket before bedtime. She was pleased to see me this morning and woofed down most of her food straight away.


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