Michael Crichton

I like this blurb about Michael Crichton's new novel "State Of Fear" from Amazon's review page:

If Crichton is right – if the scientific evidence for global warming is thin; if the environmental movement, ignoring science, has gone off track; if we live in what he in his Author’s Message calls a "State of Fear," a "near-hysterical preoccupation with safety that’s at best a waste of resources and a crimp on the human spirit, and at worst an invitation to totalitarianism" – then his extraordinary new thriller may in time be viewed as a landmark publication, both cautionary and prophetic.

Never a truer statement, in my opinion. "Scientific evidence for global warming is thin; the environmental movement, ignoring science, has gone off track".

But that's just me. Let's not forget that one good volcano a year can dump more toxins and greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than the world's industries (even America) could ever hope to.


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