Classic B*shlit

This is pure, classic B*sh crap. Yesterday he told reporters that in 2002, Al Qaeda had planned to use shoe bombs to breach a cockpit door of a commercial jet, to gain control of it and fly it into a skyscraper in Los Angeles. He claimed that the fact that it didn't happen was proof that his anti-terrorism policies were working.


I've got one for you : Al Qaeda were planning to let foot-and-mouth infected cattle graze on the Whitehouse lawn in an attempt to assassinate B*sh. That this didn't happen is proof that the Whitehouse's anti-cattle policy worked.

Or how about this : Al Qaeda were training sharks to eat American tourists off the coast of Florida. The fact that the attacks have slowed or dried up is proof that our anti-shark-training tactics are working.

See. I can take headline news and turn it into "proof" that something is working.

The mayor of Los Angeles said he was "blindsided" by B*sh's comments yesterday, which is a pretty good indicator that once again, B*sh was lying. After all, you'd think if you were a mayor, and there was a threat to your city, the "President" of the country might let you know.


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