Totally no more.

Well it looks like white-supremacist and local crazy gun freak Dell Schanze has finally got his comeuppance. Totally Awesome computers has ceased business. His interview was classic. Apparently all the media in Utah are "liars and murderers". It gets better. He then called them "angels of satan" and blamed the media for him going out of business.
Speeding through a residential neighbourhood with a deaf child in it, then threatening concerned neighbours with a gun would seem to have been the cause of the bad publicity. But apparently not in Dell's eyes.
He finished by telling TV viewers to pray for the news people because if we died right now, our souls and eternal salvation are in serious jeopardy.
His words, not mine.
I always thought that fucker was a freak, right from his first TV commercial I saw in '99. I don't know who would by anything off him - he just looks like a complete nut job and his personality and character that come out on his TV and radio ads, and subsequently in his interviews about this case coming to trial, make me wonder why he isn't living life in a padded cell. Seriously. Look at his picture. It wouldn't look any less complete if he had a swastika tatooed on his forehead.