How many times do we have to say this : B*sh is a liar. Another memo "leaked" out yesterday which proves that B*sh is a warmonger with no regard for the UN or even his own military intelligence. Stamped "extremely sensitive", the memo comes from a closed-door meeting in the Oval Office on January 31st 2003 between B*sh and Blair. B*sh makes it totally clear that he is determined to invade Iraq without any second UN resolution, and even if the arms inspectors failed to find any WMD. The memo even details that B*sh had planned to start bombing Iraq on March 10th. Verbatim: The start date for the military campaign is now penciled in for 10 March. This is when the bombing will begin.

Remember that this meeting took place in January, so when B*sh stood in front of the nation in March and said he didn't want to go to War, and that it wasn't inevitable, and that he wanted to wait for the UN sanctions, he was flat out LYING.

When he later said the invasion was based on faulty intelligence, he was flat out LYING.

And the single line item which should be cause for B*sh to be tried as a war criminal is the following: The memo also shows that B*sh and Blair knew there were no WMD in Iraq. Faced with that fact, and knowing that it would come out when the UN weapons inspectors finished their job, B*sh panicked. He proposed to provoke a confrontation by painting a US surveillance plane in UN colours and flying it into Iraqi airspace in hopes of drawing fire from Iraqi anti aircraft batteries.

Read that again : he wanted to provoke Iraq to give him the excuse. Suddenly the conspiracy theories about Air Force jets painted to look like civilian airliners on 9/11 doesn't seem so hard to believe does it?

How many more abject failures of leadership and proof of his insidious nature will it take before this idiot is removed from office?


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