Tablesaws at the ready....

I've decided it's time to try my hand at making some more furniture. I got some new power tools for Christmas, notably a table saw I'd been looking at. Well actually I received a circular saw because I asked for one - go figure - but I didn't know until today from talking to a work colleague that a table saw is a far better option for furniture making. Thanks to the no fuss no muss return policy at Lowes, I went back with dad and swapped it for the table saw. My own fault of course - if I'd known what I should have had on my wishlist in the first place, we'd have been fine.
So once I get going, expect photos of haphazard pieces of furniture to appear in the blog :-)


Anonymous said…
... have 25 books in digital format called The Art of Woodworking... complete guide for creating your own furniture... each book ~1Gb...
Anonymous said…
Chris, just please be careful with that thing!
Mark N. said…
Chirs+Tablesaw=Run for your life

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