Iran frees UK marines.

That's ended nicely then. Iranian president Ahamajibberinidiot has released the captured UK marines.
That's going to sting Bush where it hurts. His excuse just walked free, unharmed.
Of course it would have been nice for us to have been told the whole story about the US marines who 10 weeks ago (11th January) botched a kidnap attempt in Iran so badly that they ended up with 5 junior diplomats instead of the two high-ranking security officials they were after. And how the US is still holding those 5 junior diplomats claiming they're intelligence agents.
But that in no way has any bearing on recent events and to think so would make you an unpatriotic communist traitor.
The Whitehouse hasn't bothered with the truth in this country for 7 years so why start now?
The actual story, as totally unreported anywhere in America


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