600 miles later...
That was quite the weekend. We just got back from our biking trip to Southern Utah. We trailered the bikes down to Torrey where we stayed in the old Cowboy Homestead. We did three rideouts. On friday we travelled down through Boulder and out across Hell's Backbone to Escalante. On saturday we went south to Lake Powell and did a l-o-n-g hot day going around that part of the state, and this morning we went up to Fish Lake via US72. I had the Beemer, natch. Mike took his GSXR750 and Gee-off took his CBR600 - the angry hornets. Mark was on his KTM-Porn and Nephi was on his V-Strom.
The friday rideout was, simply put, spectacular. If you've never been to Hell's Backbone, you have to see it to believe it. It's not a road for spirited riding where you might make a mistake, due in the most part to the 300m dropoff either side of the shoulders with nary a crash barrier or tree to give you a fighting chance on the way over the edge. On the way back we went up the first part of the Burr Trail which was exactly the right sort of road for me. Barely a lane wide, no markings and twisty with excellent scenery, although not such tight curves that I couldn't keep up with the angry hornets in front.
The Lake Powell ride was OK but due to the difference between the angry hornets and my bike, and the difference in size of balls, I wasn't able to keep up with the 120mph canyon-carving and ended up spending the better part of 30 minutes playing catch up on one of the hottest and most boring straight lines I've ever ridden on.
This morning blew my confidence on US72 due to the retarded number of sticky tar strips across the road that unsettled the bike when it went over them. Later on though we took a side detour to Fish Lake and all was well with the world again as I was a lot more in my element. 85mph canyon carving was much more like it.
The weekend was punctuated by frequent visits to the Chevron in Torrey to fill up the bikes, and generally terrorise the poor girls working in there and the Subway next door. I bet they're glad we've left - we were relentless from the continual taunting about them selling a 1-gallon white-trash drinks mug to Mark putting on a totally believable retard impression when he saw the sign in Subway asking if we needed "special assistance" in choosing a sandwich.
And so to the pictures. There are 164 in all, some of which are totally Blog-worthy:
The whole smelly, sweaty shabang, minus Nephi cos' he had to leave early:


The angry hornets:

Politically incorrect with the Sinclair dinosaur in Loa:
The friday rideout was, simply put, spectacular. If you've never been to Hell's Backbone, you have to see it to believe it. It's not a road for spirited riding where you might make a mistake, due in the most part to the 300m dropoff either side of the shoulders with nary a crash barrier or tree to give you a fighting chance on the way over the edge. On the way back we went up the first part of the Burr Trail which was exactly the right sort of road for me. Barely a lane wide, no markings and twisty with excellent scenery, although not such tight curves that I couldn't keep up with the angry hornets in front.
The Lake Powell ride was OK but due to the difference between the angry hornets and my bike, and the difference in size of balls, I wasn't able to keep up with the 120mph canyon-carving and ended up spending the better part of 30 minutes playing catch up on one of the hottest and most boring straight lines I've ever ridden on.
This morning blew my confidence on US72 due to the retarded number of sticky tar strips across the road that unsettled the bike when it went over them. Later on though we took a side detour to Fish Lake and all was well with the world again as I was a lot more in my element. 85mph canyon carving was much more like it.
The weekend was punctuated by frequent visits to the Chevron in Torrey to fill up the bikes, and generally terrorise the poor girls working in there and the Subway next door. I bet they're glad we've left - we were relentless from the continual taunting about them selling a 1-gallon white-trash drinks mug to Mark putting on a totally believable retard impression when he saw the sign in Subway asking if we needed "special assistance" in choosing a sandwich.
And so to the pictures. There are 164 in all, some of which are totally Blog-worthy:
The whole smelly, sweaty shabang, minus Nephi cos' he had to leave early:


The angry hornets:

Politically incorrect with the Sinclair dinosaur in Loa:
