LG's new fridge...

Guess what the big new feature is on LG's new fridge? I just saw a commercial for it, and the earth-shattering development - ? Power doors.

What? We can't open and close the doors on fucking fridge now? Come on - that's just unbelievably retarded. That's like these stupid power doors and tailgates on vans and high-end cars.

If the human race has really got to the point where we can't even open and close doors any more, there's not much point in continuing to evolve is there?


Anonymous said…
It's a marketing thing. A feature so useless that nobody actually needs it, but, the marketing department can actually put another feature in a list that other fridges do not have. It's a "good enough" problem - you can not improve a fridge much anymore, and design and quality is about the same between different brands in the same price range, so, without much room for improvement and price slashing, - you add useless features. It even has a name in the software world - bloatware.
Take care Chris and happy holidays.

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