And you wonder why I hate the UK...
I kid you not. This is not a photoshop. It's an actual poster from an ad campaign where local UK councils are trying to make people aware of some of the work they do. They hope the posters (the other one shows a dog taking a shit on the pavement) will help educate people on what their council tax is spent on.
Here's an idea. Get rid of 24 hour drinking laws and force these drunk retards to clear up their own mess instead of charging everyone else for it.
And you wonder why I tell you England is broken.
I bet this girl's parents are just so proud.
Councils clear up drunk girl's vomit.
Here's an idea. Get rid of 24 hour drinking laws and force these drunk retards to clear up their own mess instead of charging everyone else for it.
And you wonder why I tell you England is broken.
I bet this girl's parents are just so proud.
Councils clear up drunk girl's vomit.
