Must try harder

It's been brought to my attention that I've been slacking off on the blog recently, with the notable exception of the Abbey Clancy picture (mmmmm). I'll try to keep it more up to date.
Having said that, we've just come back from a weekend away in Portland. Nice city. Lots of panhandlers, great public transport and a really great science museum. The submarine tour was particularly entertaining.

Oh and the world's biggest independent book store - Powell's. That place is frickin' huge. One city block, four floors deep.
The individual sections are massive, and attract the stereotypes you'd expect. For example in the Tolkien section there were two 400lb behemoths, sweating it out with lank greasy hair and badly-fitting t-shirts, arguing about something to do with Mordor. The political section was full of very thin people with Lattès and thin-rimmed glasses all carrying iBooks. The mapping section was full of dusty, beardy people either coming from or about to leave on very dusty trips to the nether regions of the planet. It was entertaining and educational at the same time.


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