Free online personal financial software.

I hate Microsoft, but when they bought out the company that wrote the home finance software I used, I really had no choice other than to start using MS Money. I've become used to it over the years and now in their infinite wisdom they've decided that no, I can't use Money any more - they've killed the product.
That leaves me with Quicken, or any number of online services like or Quicken's online service.

I'm staggered that anyone uses these though. I've been through their FAQs and they go to great lengths to explain that they need your online banking information to ALL your accounts so you can see them all in one place. Then they go on to tell you that if someone breaks their encryption, your online accounts are still safe.
How exactly does that work?

If someone hacks, they've now got the logins and usernames of millions of bank accounts all over the world. goes to huge lengths to exhaustively explain that their system is read-only, that no accounts can be tampered with as a result of their system. Sure - OK - that's fine. But once someone has hacked your account, they now have usernames and passwords that IT uses for all YOUR accounts. ie. the hacker can now wander off to all the other websites individually and drain your accounts.

Apart from that, both these products synchronise with your bank accounts, rather than letting you do it manually, which means it's all but impossible to find banking mistakes.
For example, when I enter all my receipts manually, I then have to manually reconcile the transactions when a statement comes out. Yes, yes I know it's old fashioned, but it means I can find mistakes. For example when I have a receipt for $12.80 but the store actually charged me $128, the difference is immediately obvious when going through what I recorded vs. what the bank thinks happened. Using these self-synchronising online services, you'd simply see the $128 charge, and because you don't have to reconcile the transactions, you'd never notice it was even there.

So thanks Microsoft for fucking up yet another facet of my computing lifestyle. You've just earned Quicken another $39. For their offline product, naturally, because only a total moron would willingly give an online site ALL their banking login details.


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