Shopping for clothes, only different.

Having now dropped 14kg (30lbs in old money), I had to go clothes shopping this weekend. I've come down one size in trousers and one size in shirts. Although I didn't want to buy too much because if I keep going, I'll basically need to replace my entire wardrobe by the end of the year. Even my motorcycling gear is remarkably tent-like on me now.


Paul said…
Bloody well done Chris. Any secrets you care to share? Or was it "just" a case of better food and more exercise?
Chris said…
Cut out chocolate almost entirely. Switch from regular soda to diet. Have a regular breakfast, a large-ish lunch and then either a bowl of a cereal or a ceral bar in place of dinner. Then walk 4 miles or cycle 10 miles each night. The "no dinner" part is the hardest one and the one which makes the most difference.
Chris said…
Oh - and when I eat lunch, no bags of chips (crisps), and no fries. Anything on bread is now on wheat instead of white.
Anonymous said…

Try "The Hacker's Diet" by John Walker (Autodesk Inc. founder,

More or less, this is it:

1. eat less carbohydrates generally, more in the morning, as the day goes shift to more protein rich food (body uses aminoacids from proteins to repair itself during sleep)
2. drink a lot of water
3. eat less but more frequently (fewer insuline spikes, depends on what you eat)
4. Despite what John Walker says, do not drink coffee or tea, caffeine in those drinks makes you hungry
5. Energy balance - count kilocalories (or kilojoules :)
6. The most important thing: do not loose weight too fast! Ideally you should not loose more than 2kg/month, and you should asymptotically approach your planned weight (easier to keep it off later).

Good luck!

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