The republicans are crazy.

It's official - the Republicans and their supporters are just crazy.
On Fox News (duh), CNN and a couple of other pulp fiction outlets, Republican pundits have latched on to an interesting theme : Obama has suffered 4 terrorist attacks on America or American interests since he took office. In the same sentence, all these people point out that compared to Bush's zero-attack record, this shows how Bush was clearly a better president.




Ok lets look at the facts here. The four attacks that the Republicans are using as the basis for this argument are - well - there's actually only two:

2009 - the crotchbomber (who was thwarted by passenger intervention)
2009 - the Fort Hood shooting

By comparison, Bush's record:
2001 - 9/11 - the grand daddy of them all
2001 - the anthrax mailings
2001 - the shoebomber (who was thwarted by passenger intervention)
2002 - the Karachi US embassy bombing - 12 people dead
2002 - the beltway sniper
2003 - the Riyadh suicide bomber at the US compound - 34 people dead
2003 - the Kuwait Camp Pennsylvania grenade attack
2004 - the Khobar Saudi oil company attack - 22 people dead
2004 - the 3 Americans and 1 BBC camerman who were kidnapped and executed in Riyadh
2004 - the US consulate in Jeddah where 9 people were killed
2005 - the Amman suicide bombers that hit the Radisson, Grand Hyatt and Days Inn
2006 - failed attempt by four gunman on the US embassy in Damascus
2007 - anti-tank missile attack at US embassy in Athens
2007 - car bomb attacks at US embassy in Alegeria - 60 people dead
2008 - suicide bomber in Tarmiya - 6 people dead
2008 - meeting between Americans and sheiks in Karma - suicide bomber kills 20
2008 - US and nato troops killed over a series of 4 suicide bomber attacks by Taliban in Afghanistan
2008 - US embassy car bomb in Yemen - 20 dead

Lets not forget that Bush flouted the Geneva convention by allowing torture for interrogation techniques.

Let's not forget the fact that Bush and Cheney released the Yemen citizens who are now apparently the people who planned the crotchbomber attack.

Obama has taken responsibility for that failure because, as he put it, the bucks stops with him. Even though intelligence agencies fouled up by not communicating, ultimately the commander in chief is responsible. Did we ever see Bush accept responsibility for any of the failings of his intelligence services?

The absolute worst part of the discussion was when one of the people on O'Reilly's show, with a straight face, said that the crotchbomber counted, and the shoebomber didn't, despite the circumstances being identical - passengers foiled the attempt.

Republicans - can't live with them, can't shoot them.


Paul said…
"It's official - the Republicans and their supporters are just crazy."

And you're just realizing this now!!!


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