The mystery of the messed up shoulder

For a while now I've had quite a limited range of motion in my left
shoulder. Plus it hurts like hell if I get my arm into certain
positions. I gave in and went to see the doctor a while back and after
a couple of visits I ended up having an MRI scan yesterday. The extent
of the problem in my shoulder is quite alarming. I would expect this
amount of trouble if I was a rugby player or took part in some other
regular activity involving falling, crushing or mashing my joints. But
I'm a sedentary creature so quite how this happened I don't know. As
best as I can figure, I probably did it during my huge ski crash a few
years ago and its only now becoming a problem. Either way, at some
point I'm going to end up in surgery for this. Must remember to put
that off until after my planned big motorbike tour in Colorado in
July. That would just be inconvenient if I had to cancel that :-)


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