The sad state of England
Things are bad. Really bad. The country roads are plagued with drivers
who are terrified of going faster than 45mph. The motorways are
clogged with police vans and average speed cameras forcing everyone to
do 50mph. Even the motorcyclists seem to have lost their balls; I had
a group of them pull out in front of me at Box Hill this afternoon.
"No problem - they'll get away quickly" I thought. But no. They
accelerated at bloody walking pace. The police state has destroyed
driving for everyone over here. Then there's the cost of fuel. Filled
the rental car today and it cost me $132 for 15 gallons! How can
people afford to drive?
New police and council powers mean that councils can go through your
rubbish and fine you if you put the wrong thing in the wrong bin. They
can spy on you without warrants and CCTV cameras have tripled or
quadrupled in number in the last few years, but crime has skyrocketed
so they're still doing no good. Short term loan rates are running at
1470% APR (that isn't a typo) and bank interest rates are at 0.25%.
Gas and electric prices have gone up 50% in the last year and they're
forecast to go up another 20-30% this year. Thieves are stealing
lightning rods for copper and lead from church roofs.
The government makes ours back in America look like a super talented
collection of geniuses. The papers and the public are more infatuated
with celebrity gossip than the Americans.
Public transport is on it's knees. Police forces are being slashed
across the country and the national health service is bankrupt with
record waiting times for even the most basic medical procedures now.
I'm so glad we left. England is broken and I don't think the people
who live there can see it. The pot has boiled and the frog is well and
truly dead. I worry for our friends and family left in the UK but I'm
not sure how I can help :-(
who are terrified of going faster than 45mph. The motorways are
clogged with police vans and average speed cameras forcing everyone to
do 50mph. Even the motorcyclists seem to have lost their balls; I had
a group of them pull out in front of me at Box Hill this afternoon.
"No problem - they'll get away quickly" I thought. But no. They
accelerated at bloody walking pace. The police state has destroyed
driving for everyone over here. Then there's the cost of fuel. Filled
the rental car today and it cost me $132 for 15 gallons! How can
people afford to drive?
New police and council powers mean that councils can go through your
rubbish and fine you if you put the wrong thing in the wrong bin. They
can spy on you without warrants and CCTV cameras have tripled or
quadrupled in number in the last few years, but crime has skyrocketed
so they're still doing no good. Short term loan rates are running at
1470% APR (that isn't a typo) and bank interest rates are at 0.25%.
Gas and electric prices have gone up 50% in the last year and they're
forecast to go up another 20-30% this year. Thieves are stealing
lightning rods for copper and lead from church roofs.
The government makes ours back in America look like a super talented
collection of geniuses. The papers and the public are more infatuated
with celebrity gossip than the Americans.
Public transport is on it's knees. Police forces are being slashed
across the country and the national health service is bankrupt with
record waiting times for even the most basic medical procedures now.
I'm so glad we left. England is broken and I don't think the people
who live there can see it. The pot has boiled and the frog is well and
truly dead. I worry for our friends and family left in the UK but I'm
not sure how I can help :-(