In the wake of the news that Michael Moore's new film (Farenheit 9/11) has been blocked from a cinema release by Disney, I thought some elaboration on the disaster that is Iraq would work well in today's entry:
The entire Iraq episode may well go down as the worst blunder in the entire history of American foreign policy. Remember that just over a year ago - May 1st 2003, flyboy El Busho made his speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln, at which he hailed the US troops who ousted Saddam:
"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed," El Busho said.
Strange, given that now, one year later, combat deaths are more than five times that of a year ago when he celebrated 'mission accomplished'. How is it George, that 5 times as many people died after the war ended than when it was on? Could it be that we're actually still at war?
Iraq is El Busho's Vietnam and everyone knows it. By going to war in Iraq, he's squandered the immense good will of the world community that America won in the wake of 9/11. With the continuing lie about weapons of mass destruction, the daily revelations of the US troops' flagrant disregard for the Geneva Convention, and El Busho's inflammatory remarks about Syria, North Korea, Iran and now Cuba, no wonder America is now being viewed with different eyes.
El Busho's foreign policy is a disaster, and he himself is a chicken. How many times has he left America in the last 4 years? Not including Mexico, the total is four. The self-proclaimed "leader of the free world" hasn't set foot outside his own country more than 4 times during his presidency. If anything, El Busho is the one person who should feel safe leaving the country. A platoon of secret service personnel, backup helicopters and a Boeing 707, armoured cars, snipers, military guards, and Air Force One which, lets face it, is the safest plane to fly on. But no. Instead he prefers to command Tony Blah to do his bidding whilst carefully and thoroughly tearing up all the good that has been done in the decades since the end of the Cold War.
Theelected appointed president, backed up by Rumsfeld, Cheney and Powell are the four horsemen of the apocalypse :(
I love the country we've chosen to live in - America - but I fear the government.
The entire Iraq episode may well go down as the worst blunder in the entire history of American foreign policy. Remember that just over a year ago - May 1st 2003, flyboy El Busho made his speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln, at which he hailed the US troops who ousted Saddam:
"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed," El Busho said.
Strange, given that now, one year later, combat deaths are more than five times that of a year ago when he celebrated 'mission accomplished'. How is it George, that 5 times as many people died after the war ended than when it was on? Could it be that we're actually still at war?
Iraq is El Busho's Vietnam and everyone knows it. By going to war in Iraq, he's squandered the immense good will of the world community that America won in the wake of 9/11. With the continuing lie about weapons of mass destruction, the daily revelations of the US troops' flagrant disregard for the Geneva Convention, and El Busho's inflammatory remarks about Syria, North Korea, Iran and now Cuba, no wonder America is now being viewed with different eyes.
El Busho's foreign policy is a disaster, and he himself is a chicken. How many times has he left America in the last 4 years? Not including Mexico, the total is four. The self-proclaimed "leader of the free world" hasn't set foot outside his own country more than 4 times during his presidency. If anything, El Busho is the one person who should feel safe leaving the country. A platoon of secret service personnel, backup helicopters and a Boeing 707, armoured cars, snipers, military guards, and Air Force One which, lets face it, is the safest plane to fly on. But no. Instead he prefers to command Tony Blah to do his bidding whilst carefully and thoroughly tearing up all the good that has been done in the decades since the end of the Cold War.
I love the country we've chosen to live in - America - but I fear the government.