In Irish reporter has pissed off El Busho and his comrades so much that they lodged an official complaint with the Irish embassy. Why?
Unlike American reporters, who lob softball questions El Busho can field with prepared, rehearsed answers, the Irish interviewer (Carole Coleman) performed as most European broadcast interviewers normally do -- in a naturally engaging, intellectually rigorous, conversational manner. The result was that El Busho bristled at her questions and interviewing style, about which the White House later "lodged an official complaint with the Irish embassy in Washington."
So we're all "free" and have "freedom of speech" unless we ask questions to El Presidente. They complained of a lack of respect from Ms. Coleman.
Lack of respect?. Look, nobody in America country is complelled to respect the president, let alone an Irish reporter. God forbid someone ask El Busho (or any politician for that matter) a question that wasn't prepared and answered ahead of time. Good for her for asking the questions that need to be answered. Too bad she didn't get what she was looking for. But then again, that's because El Busho doesn't KNOW the answers. He's a moron and a puppet.

You can see the entire embarrasing episode in the Whitehouse's official transcripts of the interview.


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