This is truly sad. The US army are now nervous and paranoid about what they consider to be the latest threat to security.
A dirty bomb?
Al Qaeda?
No. Promotional Coca Cola cans.
Yes, the big Coke promotion this summer, where certain cans have a GPS and cellphone in them, has got the army all spooked. They seriously believe that these things can be used to spy on them - recording secret meeetings etc. So paranoid are they that they've banned Coke cans from all meeting rooms and other secure areas.
I - I - I just don't know what to say. It's so
A dirty bomb?
Al Qaeda?
No. Promotional Coca Cola cans.
Yes, the big Coke promotion this summer, where certain cans have a GPS and cellphone in them, has got the army all spooked. They seriously believe that these things can be used to spy on them - recording secret meeetings etc. So paranoid are they that they've banned Coke cans from all meeting rooms and other secure areas.
I - I - I just don't know what to say. It's so
