Tony Blair finally admitted he's a red-faced liar today. Now can we get rid of him?
British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said weapons of mass destruction may never be found in Iraq.

That's enough of an admission of guilt for me. Where do I sign up to watch the impeachment / removal proceedings?

The funny thing is that the quotes are full of holes:
"We know that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and we know that we haven't found them."

Ok - how do we know this?

"I have to accept we have not found them, that we may not find them.

"Whether they were hidden or removed or destroyed even, the plain fact is that he was in breach of United Nations resolutions."

Good. Makes sense. But it does rather require PROOF doesn't it? So Blair summised that Saddam had WMD based on a 10 year old plagiarised thesis, and despite the fact the Bush and Powell themselves originally told us it was "impossible" for him to have WMD. Then he tells us he can't find these fabricated WMD. Then he claims that Iraq was in breach of UN resolutions because we couldn't find the WMD that Blair made up. Fab.


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