HTML editors - why?

If you're reading this post, and you know of a good text-HTML code editor, please let me know.
And by "good" I mean one that can use and interpret external CSS style sheets. One that doesn't pollute my HTML with all sorts of stupid tags that it "thinks" I should have. One that doesn't insist on using internet bloody explorer as its browser.
You'd think in this day and age that somebody would have written a decent HTML code editor. But apparently not. At least not that I can find.
Macromedia want a shedload of cash for theirs. NoteTab crashes when I run it, and Coffeecup doesn't seem to understand what a .CSS file is and seems to insist I ingest it into every file. Well - that would sort of negate the whole bloody point of an external stylesheet file, wouldn't it?
I'll stick to using Textpad for the time being and checking my files manually - it's still the best way.


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