Episode 3 : cool

We finally went to see SW Episode 3 last night, and it was cool. One of the more noteworthy parts of the film was the obvious comparison of Anakin Skywalker to "President" B*sh, specifically, his speech about "if you're not with me, you're against me". As Darth Sidious is taking over the Empire, there's a scene in the main government building where Amidala says "so this is how freedom dies - with thunderous applause" as Sidious announces that his agents were sweeping the galaxy, spreading freedom (ie. slaughtering millions). There was another good analogy talking about how the state which strives for freedom and democracy turns into the oppressor itself. I guess that's one of the nice things about being an independant film maker - you don't have to pander to the wills of a studio. Clearly George Lucas thinks the same of B*sh as me, 50% of America, and the rest of the world.
There was a pretty high cheese factor in one scene though where a couple of wookies swing down on vines to attack an Empire tank, yodelling the Tarzan yodel. Why?
Overall the film was excellent. The Millenium Falcon put in an appearance, and you could see the origins of the X-wing and the TIE fighters, as well as the trademark hexagonal cockpit window in the spaceships coming from the Corellian shipyards (as in the front of the Millenium Falcon). Lucas also did his first true transition from orbit to planet complete with atmospheric re-entry - something which has been curiously absent from all the other films where spaceships just seem to plummet to the ground with no ill effects.
Top film. On to the DVD wishlist it goes.


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